Blog #18

Overall, this was a very productive peer review session in which I worked with both Nate and Matt on their essays while discussing potential improvements to my own. My goal when it comes to the improvement is to be able to effectively define what I consider beautiful, along with what my community defines beauty. I am also aiming to connect two podcasts and an article of my choosing to my paper. Steps I plan to take in order to achieve this include, better organization of ideas in my paper (I can outline it detail by detail to fix this), better word choices and lastly, I hope to be more selective in the choices of quotes from my various sources. Another goal that I have is to be able to properly cite my sources (I can check to see if citations follow the MLA guideline). What I currently see as my biggest challenge is my organization of details and their placement within my essay. If improving the organization of details within my paper becomes too difficult I can always consult my professor or other peers for further clarification and help. By fixing these issues, I feel that I will be able to make my paper the best it can be.

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