In hindsight, my early term revisions would be considered to be more local. Before I began English 110, I generally did not revise my work much in terms of structure, organization or building a stronger argument. I had the misguided notion that revisions were just small changes in grammar, punctuation, word choice, etc. As we progressed in the course, I learned that those revisions were only a small fraction of the revision process as a whole. By the time we reached our second paper which was my chosen significant writing process, the changes I made from my first draft of my chosen significant writing project of The Relationship Between the Arts and Sciences to my final draft include global and local revisions. I made changes in sentence structure, word choice, along with grammar and punctuation edits that show my ability to make local revisions on my work. Changes in my work that I made that function to show global revisions include strengthening my thesis statement, developing claim sentences that tied in with my own opinion, along with making my opinion clearer in my argument, and lastly improving the overall structure and organization of my paper. My ability to make these changes, shows that as a writer I have improved and learned how to better revise my work. In class, we were stressed the importance of having the ability to revise our own work and each other’s work both globally and locally. By using these revision methods, I have noticed my final drafts becoming stronger and stronger.