My chosen significant writing project was my second paper titled, The Relationship Between the Arts and Sciences. In my opinion, it highlighted my ability to make a strong and persuasive argument. I did not show the strong ability to cite my sources using MLA guidelines clearly as there is still plenty of room for improvement. During the process of making local revisions, I was able to improve my paper greatly by fixing typical grammatical and punctuation errors along with stronger, more descriptive  word choices. In class, we discussed sentence error as a pattern that repeatedly surfaces in one’s paper. We also discussed MLA citations and were instructed to utilize The Little Seagull Handbook, which provided clear instruction on how to create citations that were in line with MLA guidelines. This handbook proved instrumental in my improving ability to create MLA formatted citations. Not only does the handbook detail citations, it also helped me in fixing my repeated grammatical or punctuation errors especially with the usage of commas as it includes pages of comma usage and examples in different situations.