Blog #10

STEM programs in the school system should not be revamped into STEAM. Arts, sciences and mathematics do not mix and there should not be an attempt to integrate them. Art utilizes the left hemisphere which some are naturally more adept at using than others whereas sciences and mathematics use the right side of the brain. Yo-Yo Ma stated “For me, the most proficient way to teach the values of collaboration, flexibility, imagination, and innovation- all skill sets needed in today’s world – is through the performing arts.” While this may be true from his perspective, there has been no scientific correlation between the performing arts and their ability to best prepare students for today’s world. Yo-Yo Ma is essentially stating that the best way to teach values most useful in business is through the teaching of the arts. However, there is no concrete way to actually incorporate the arts with science and mathematics, or STEM into STEAM. There is no proven potential to enhance the students and their education and therefore no clear reason for why STEM should be changed into STEAM just for the purpose of giving the arts a larger presence in today’s education system. While Yo-Yo Ma is idealistic in this potential incorporation, as the difference between the two subjects and their application is so vast that there is no way to connect them.


  1. ebox

    This is a great paragraph! I think one thing that may improve it is to make sure to address the reasoning for the opposite side in more depth so that it is more of a negating paragraph instead of strongly shooting down the idea. You did a great job of using commentary and text evidence, though!

  2. Taylor

    I like how you incorporated the different parts of the brain into your paragraph. I think it helps draw the picture for the reader to understand the logic of who the brain works and then also shows that art does not relate to science, technology, engineering and math.

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